Startups, Innovation and Law
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Equipe IRIS-BH (See all posts from this author)
8 de April de 2016
Startups, Innovation and Law
Description: From June 2016 to December 2016, the Institute for Research on Internet and Society worked with partners and with the Minas Gerais State Legislature on the public discussions regarding the consolidation of a pioneering legal framework aimed at supporting startups in the State. Known for its innovation hubs, such as the startup ecosystems in Belo Horizonte and Santa Rita do Sapucaí, Minas Gerais holds a promising future in the sector of tecnology and innovation.
In first semester of 2016, the Minas Gerais State Legislature began debating a public policy proposal to stimulate the startup sector at State level through Bill n.3.578/2016, developed by deputies Antônio Carlos Arantes (PSDB) and Dalmo Ribeiro (PSDB). The Bill is currently in pre-approval phase at the Comission for Constitution and Justice (CCJ) of the State Legislature.
The creation of public policy is a complex process. Its construction and implementatoin phases must be open to contributions from citizens, which ends up supporting the achievement of a more direct and participatory kind of democracy. Tending to these aspects, the Institute for Research on Internet & Society, along with the Internet Law Clinic of the Public Law Department of the UFMG Law School, has contributed for the construction of important legislative politics, stimulating the critical application of knowledge developed inside the University.
Full text of the Bill n. 3.578/2016 of the State of Minas Gerais
Partner Institutions: Institute for Research on Internet & Society, Legislative Assembly of the State of Minas Gerais, San Pedro Valley, BHTec and the UFMG Internet Law Clinic.
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