Results of the 2nd Seminar on Internet Governance and the Civil Internet Framework: Globalization, Technology and Connectivity
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Equipe IRIS-BH (See all posts from this author)
31 de October de 2016
The 2nd Seminar on Internet Governance and the Civil Internet Framework: Globalization, Technology and Connectivity was a success: more than 45 works presented, 11 varied panels and an average of 230 participants, among listeners, panelists, authors, coordinators of working groups, supporters and organizing committee.
There were two days of presentations, intense debates, and much knowledge. It is necessary to emphasize the fundamental support of our partners: Federal University of Minas Gerais, UFMG Law School Post-graduation Programme, UFMG Laaw School, Ibmec Faculty, FGV Law School SP, FAPEMIG, Information and Coordination Nucleus of .BR (, Santa Catarina’s Association of Technology Companies (ACATE) and the Secretariat of Civil House and Institutional Relations of the State of Minas Gerais, without which it would not be possible to hold this event.
We thank all involved, who go far beyond these members of the group in the photo, and hope to have the same levels of engagement and participation in the year 2017!
Certified listeners enrolled through Sympla will be issued and emailed this week.
Check out here all the event’s photos!
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