Freedom on the Net Report 2016
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Equipe IRIS-BH (See all posts from this author)
14 de November de 2016
Release of the Freedom on the Net 2016 report
The Freedom on the Net 2016 report was released on November 14, 2016 regarding the freedom of online users around the globe. Among the main conclusions of the report are: Decline for the sixth consecutive year of online freedom in the world (including in Brazil); Two-thirds of Internet users live in countries where there is strong censorship against criticism of the government and the military; There is a wave of criminalization of user’s behaviors in social networks, even by “liking” certain content on Facebook; Governments are increasingly pursuing messaging applications such as WhatsApp and Telegram.
With regard to Brazil, it is of particular concern the increase of its overall score from 29 to 32 (0 refers to a totally free online country, while 100 is the worst possible score in the report), which caused him to lose the status of “free” to “partially free” in 2016. The Brazilian rapporteurs responsible for the Brazilian section of the study are Carolina Rossini and Fabrício B. Pasquot Polido.
The Institute for Research on Internet & Society (IRIS), with the Group of International Studies on Intellectual Property, Internet and Innovation – GNet (Federal University of Minas Gerais), under the coordination of Prof. Fabrício Polido, collaborated to the research.
To access the full contents of the Freedom on the Net 2016 report, click here.
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